Sunday, August 22, 2010

In Memoriam: Marina Naumann - My third visit on her grave

This late-afternoon, I removed all of the roded flowers and made a new arrangement which will be only provisional. I planted a fresh chinese lampion (Physalis), and then I placed some remaining plants from the older stuff. Care of Marinas grave will be my part for the next 20 years.

The new arrangement. The grey lantern is from Marinas balkony. The banners at right are from Marinas sister Sylvia and heir husband Mathias, and also from Dennis, son of Sylvia and Mathias, and from Nadine, Dennis' girlfriend. The pieces in front of Marinas picture are acorns, collected by me on the urne field during my second visit. (Photo by Joachim Jacob)

Big surprise: As I removed the urne flowers from the centre of the grave, on the sand I saw a very small lizard. And then, after realizing that, I saw another but very smaller lizard. Probably a mother with her babe. That's phantastic. Marina loved animals. And now, some rare animals are around of her grave, including some little frogs. (Photo by Joachim Jacob)

BTW: Rainy day in my eyes again by posting that.

Let me post an e-mail from Warthog News contributor André Jans from the Netherlands:

Hi Joachim,

I am saddened to read at your A-10 blog that you lost a dear friend recently.

Life can be very unfair at times and is not understood by us humans at all.

Take care of yourselves. I never meet Marina or you but wouldn't it be her wish that you move on with your life and enjoy living it?

Sounds kind of a cliché but many friends who passed away expressed this wish before they vanished.


Wishing all best and much strength!

André Jans

The Netherlands

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