Staff Sgt. Kenneth Gore, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, tries to align an inert Mk. 82 bomb onto a Triple Ejector Rack (TER) during this year's Load Crew of the Year competition at the Weapons Load Training facility here January 22, 2010. This competition, which consists of a uniform inspection, written test and performance test, determines the winners of the Load Crew of the Year award. More than 40 maintenance and operations personnel came out to support the event. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jerilyn Quintanilla)
Note: Pictured is an inert 500lb Mk. 82 Air Inflatable Retard (AIR), which has a parachute pack in the rear of the tailkit that deploys to slow the bomb's descent after drop. This allows the aircraft to escape the impact area, thus decreasing the chances of the jet being damaged by its own bomb's explosion at low altitude.
Staff Sgt. Terrell Jackson, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, guides an inert Mk. 82 bomb into place during this year' Load Crew of the Year competition at the Weapons Load Training Facility here January 22, 2010. This competition consists of a uniform inspection, written, and performance test in which they are judged on how fast they can safely load six Mk. 82 bombs onto two Triple Ejector Racks (TERs) of an A-10 Thunderbolt II. This competition determines the winners of the Load Crew of the Year award. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jerilyn Quintanilla) Hi-res
Note: This TER, carrying three inert Mk. 82 bombs, is mounted on station 3. The air intake cover on the left engine is marked 355 AMXS (for 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron).
Staff Sgt. Abraham Lailson, 355th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, secures an inert Mk. 82 bomb for transport during this year's Load Crew of the Year competition. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Jerilyn Quintanilla) Hi-res
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