Tail markings for the 107th Fighter Squadron's new A-10 mission are unveiled on April 24, 2009, at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Michigan. The photographed aircraft is A-10C 81-0975, formerly assigned to the 172nd FS, 110th FW (Michigan ANG), Battle Creek (BC). New tailcode 'MI' for Michigan, inscription 'Selfridge' on the fin caps, inscription 'Red Devils' (the 107th FS's nickname) and the legendary trident on the engine nacelles. (U.S. Air Force photo by Jeremy L. Brownfield) Hi-res
(U.S. Air Force photo by Jeremy L. Brownfield) Hi-res
(U.S. Air Force photo by Jeremy L. Brownfield) Hi-res
Note: Today, these three pictures (all taken on April 24, 2009) were relased on 127th Wing's public website.
On the Warthog Territory Forums, Weasel_80-204 wrote: The 107th has always had the "Red Devils" on their jets. The 16's had it on the lower portion of the V-stab. I see it as a continuation of the "Battle Creek" on the nacelles.
You are right, Weasel_80-204! Let me check my F-16 photo archives for a good shot of a 107th FS Viper with "Red Devils" markings...
Here's one of the latest known 110th Fighter Wing pics, showing the inscription "Battle Creek" on the left engine nacelle:
Looks like the 107th FS took over at least some of the engine nacelle markings styles from the 172nd FS. (Left to right) Staff Sergeants Bryce Moore, James Liston and Kevin Rynbrandt stand in front of one of their unit's jets Jan. 1, 2008, at Bagram AB, Afghanistan. All three were recently notified that they had been selected for pilot training. The Airmen are deployed from the 110th Fighter Wing, at Battle Creek, Mich. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Mike Andriacco) Hi-res
Related background info:
81-0975 (still wearing BC tail markings, photographed by Lino Borges January 16, 2008, at Lajes Field, Azores
See also Warthog Territory Forums:
A-10C tail markings for 107th Fighter Squadron unveiled
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