For some weeks I waited for such an official news article related to Hawgsmoke 2010:
Idaho is ready as the A-10 community prepares to descend on Gowen Field and Boise for the Hawgsmoke 2010 competition Oct. 13-16 (Photo by Drew Gardner, ANG Creative). Note: Pictured is A-10C 78-0627 from the 190th Fighter Squadron, 124th Wing (ANG), Gowen Field, Boise, Idaho; and probably caught on July 15, 2010. Hi-res
by Capt. Tony Vincelli
124th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
9/23/2010 - GOWEN FIELD, Boise, Idaho -- After almost two years of preparation, final details are being worked out as Idaho prepares to host pilots and maintainers of A-10 units from around the world for Hawgsmoke 2010, held Oct. 13-16 here.
The 190th Fighter Squadron plays host this year because they won Hawgsmoke 2008, held in Salinas, Kans. That pitted the 190th's pilots against pilots from 14 other Air National Guard, Air Force and Air Force Reserve A-10 units from around the world.
Hawgsmoke tests A-10 pilots in flight leadership, target acquisition, weapons delivery and support and the amount of preparation and coordination to host the event is daunting.
The planning involved with such a competition is significant. Just ask Lt. Col. Ronnie Kauffman, chairman of the event's planning committee.
The planning for Hawgsmoke 2010 has been a tremendous group effort. It began with an outstanding handoff from Whiteman, the host unit for Hawgsmoke 2008. I am extremely excited to have everyone here for this year's event," Colonel Kauffman said.
Things like building a website, coordinating sponsor support, developing merchandise, formulating an aircraft parking plan, buying the airspace to compete in, and reserving a location for all Activities have been going on behind-the-scenes for the past 23 months, Kauffman said.
Gowen Field - A busy place
More than 40 A-10 aircraft will be parked on the ramp. Pilots and maintainers for 17 teams - roughly 150 people - will be in Boise for the event. Most will stay on base.
The majority of the aircraft will arrive here Wednesday Oct. 13. Pilots and maintainers will in-process, be given a local area brief, and welcomed by our wing commander, Col. J.R. Compton. A special ceremony honoring fallen A-10 pilots and an evening social at the Mobilization, Conference and Activities Center will conclude the first day.
Barring bad weather, the gunnery competition will be held the following day at Saylor Creek Training range. The crud tournament, a fast-paced game played by pilots all over the world that is loosely based on billiards, will be held that evening.
Friday will include a golf tournament at Falcon Crest Golf Course in Kuna and a banquet to honor the competition winners and build on the long-standing camaraderie in the A-10 community, which Colonel Kauffman calls "priceless".
A-10 maintenance challenges not an issue this time around
Hawgsmoke 2008 planners were faced with issues relating to a Time Compliance Technical Order that limited the availability of A-10 aircraft and personnel.
Even though there were enough teams and aircraft to compete, the TCTO hampered some units in their ability to bring maintenance personnel to support Hawgsmoke 2008 as they worked at their home stations to inspect and repair A-10s. Still, the maintainers were able to meet the challenge.
All things are coming into focus for a great week of competition, camaraderie, tradition and fun as Hawgsmoke 2010 is just days away. Take part in the activities as your schedule allows.
Please note: The original headline of this news article is "190th Fighter Squadron, wing readies for Hawgsmoke 2010 2008 champs stand up to host worldwide A-10 competition set to begin Oct. 13". It looks to me like a typo. Or they would write "190th Fighter Squadron, wing readies for Hawgsmoke 2010 (./-) 2008 champs stand up to host worldwide A-10 competition set to begin Oct. 13"
And so I hope, we will get some more related info about the upcoming Hawgsmoke 2010 competition.
Update September 24, 2010:
Meanwhile, at least the link headline on the 124th Fighter Wing's homepage was changed to: 190th Fighter Squadron, wing readies for Hawgsmoke 2010
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