By Joachim Jacob, Warthog News Editor
I'm totally surprised by a very rare and very hot new A-10C shot taken by Warthog News contributor Bruce Smith (United States) at Nellis AFB, Nevada, January 23, 2013. It's A-10C 82-0659 from the 358th Fighter Squadron "Lobos", 355th Fighter Wing (ACC), Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, special-marked 358TH FS/CC as the squadron commander's aircraft. And it seems like this "Hog" also participated in the recent Green Flag - West exercise. But what's that: A 500lb GBU-12 laser-guided bomb (LGB) on station 1 - never seen before. Anybody who can/will explain this unusual loadout?
A-10C 82-0659, marked 358TH FS/CC as the squadron commander's aircraft (2013-01-23). (Photo by Bruce Smith) Full size
they load like this so that the pilot can have multiple attempts in dropping the bombs. I have seen them load all the stations with Mark 82's so they dont have to keep loading for the student pilots.