(Released on 442nd Fighter Wing's public website)
442nd Operations Group
Staff Sgt. Jennifer Albright, 303rd Fighter Squadron aviation resource manager, was awarded Tip of the Spear for February. The Tip of the Spear award is given by the command staff to a person who has had outstanding performance. The 303rd Fighter Squadron is part of the 442nd Fighter Wing, an A-10 Thunderbolt II Air Force Reserve unit at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Danielle Johnston) Hi-res
1/23/2013 - WHITEMAN AIR FORCE BASE, Mo. -- Staff Sgt. Jennifer Albright has quickly established herself as the top aviation resource manager (SARM) for the 303rd Fighter Squadron, part of the 442nd Operations Group here. She volunteered for her first deployment and seamlessly integrated with active-duty counterparts, supported approximately 1,200 combat sorties encompassing more than 3,000 flying hours and endured regular rocket attacks. She became an Air Reserve technician after the shop had been manned at 33 percent and faced the combined unit inspection with just three months to prepare.
She participated in a comprehensive program assessment utilizing a checklist with more than 300 questions. Undaunted by the workload, she helped prioritize the list of corrective actions and assign the tasks to the best suited teammate. She personally completed more than 50 percent of the total rewrite of the SARM continuity binder - a significant and arduous undertaking. This book encompasses virtually every program and task performed by the shop in step-by-step detail. Because of that, Albright received favorable comments by the inspector. Her meticulous attention to detail and organizational skills were key factors in the squadron's near-perfect inspection outcome, and Albright received the Military Bearing award from the inspectors for her outstanding performance.
Albright took over flying hour management and successfully closed out the fiscal year 2012 program with more than 7,400 hours and 3,400 sorties without error. She manages the additional flying training period program. She provided training to all pilots and published a comprehensive "how-to" guide. This significant program change transitioned smoothly and without any pay interruptions. Albright has superbly managed the additional work and stress of preparing for an inspection while orienting herself to a new job, supporting daily flying operations and completion of all other day-to-day responsibilities in a shop that continues to be undermanned. She has already proven to be an integral component in the squadron's drive for perfection and readiness. That's why she is this month's "Tip of the Spear".
Editor's note: Information for this was provided by commanders and staff of the 442nd Fighter Wing.
Source (including 1 photo)
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