Released by 124th Fighter Wing Public Affairs in the February 2011 issue of The Beacon Live, the official online newsletter of the Idaho Air National Guard:
January 28, 2011
The 190th Fighter Squadron is in need of a new and fresh skull theme nose design for the Boise Hawgs. They are in need of an artist with energy and time to come up with a design that will go down in history!
The winner for the best entry for nose art will receive a prize to be determined at a later time. For more information, please call the 190th Ops Desk at (208) 422-5348 or call public affairs at (208) 422-6157.
Please submit a jpg of your design to or stop by public affairs to have your drawing scanned.
The 190th Fighter Squadron emblem with a skull and two crisscrossed Avenger cannons instead the usual two crisscrossed bones. (U.S. Air Force graphic)
Related Warthog Territory Forums topic
Please note: Creating a skull around an A-10 bow section is not easy...
I already sent related requests to some known artists ...
I don't think the 190th A-10s have nose art. Those images are from A-10s from Barksdale with the nose art.
ReplyDeleteJJ it's the 190 out of Boise that whats a nose art (which they don't have now) not the 124th out of Barksdale which you have pictured above.
Thanks for correction, guys. And sorry for my mistake. I just removed the wrong pics.