by Joachim Jacob
In the past, I extracted and edited all available monthly info related to A-10 Thunderbolt II combat missions in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) from the "Airpower Summaries", released on USAF's public main website.
For November 2009, this info on USAF's public main website was only sporadic again. To collect and secure all available public info for my archives, for first time ever I used the original U.S. Air Forces Central press releases on USAFCENT's official public website.
The mostly daily airpower summaries for OEF and OIF are provided by Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) officials at Al Udeid AB, Qatar.
Nov 1: (also relased on USAF’s public main website)
Chahar Bagh
A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were providing armed overwatch for a friendly forces patrol. The aircraft were also conducting reconnaissance and surveillance of the area when a request for assistance from friendly forces was received. The friendly patrol was receiving enemy fire so a show of force was conducted to deter the enemy aggression. The show of force ended the engagement.
Nov 2: (also relased on USAF's public main website)
A-10 Thunderbolt IIs provided overwatch for friendly forces. Shows of force were requested to deter enemy and reassure the troops and locals that air power was present. The shows of force were performed, with flares expended, and were considered successful.
Nov 3: (also relased on USAF's public main website)
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided overwatch and route reconnaissance for a friendly forces convoy. When a possible ambush was reported, a show of force was requested to deter any possible enemy action and reassure the troops and locals that airpower was in the area. The show of force, with numerous flares expended, was performed and considered successful when no enemy activity was observed.
A-10s provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. When a possible enemy weapons cache position was confirmed, and no civilian or friendly forces were confirmed in the area, precision-guided munitions were released and destroyed the cache.
Musa Qala
A-10s were overhead in support of friendly forces. A request for a show of force was made when a vehicle struck an improvised explosive device and friendly forces in the area reported taking enemy small-arms fire. The show of force was demonstrated and the show of force was considered successful when the enemy fire stopped.
Nov 4: (also relased on USAF's public main website)
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft were providing armed overwatch for friendly forces. They were also conducting intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance of the area. An active enemy mortar position was observed and several precision-guided munitions were released on the enemy position. Then several strafing runs were conducted to ensure destruction of the enemy-fighting position.
A-10s were flying armed interdiction for friendly forces. A report of enemy forces massing near the friendly force position resulted in a request for a show of force. The show of force, with flares expended, was conducted and considered successful when the enemy forces were observed leaving the area.
Nov 5: (also relased on USAF's public main website)
Lashkar Gah
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. They were also conducting intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance of the area. Two active enemy rocket-propelled-grenade positions were observed and precision-guided munitions along with strafing runs were executed on the enemy positions. The enemy-fighting positions were destroyed and a show of force performed to continue the deterrence of any further enemy action in the area.
A-10s flew armed interdiction for a friendly forces patrol returning to base. As they approached a possible ambush point, a request for shows of force was sent. The shows of force were performed and no enemy action was observed. Another show of force, with flares expended, was performed when the aircraft observed looting by enemy forces. The show of force caused the enemy to disband and stop the looting.
Nov 6: (also relased on USAF's public main website)
No A-10 info
Nov 7: (also relased on USAF's public main website)
Musa Qala
A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and Navy F/A-18C Hornets provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. When friendly forces reported receiving enemy small-arms fire, a request for assistance was made. Shows of force (with flares expended) were performed over the city to deter the enemy action. The shows of force were successful in deterring the enemy action. When the enemy forces were seen massing at an enemy position, a strafing run was made on the position, eliminating the target.
A-10s provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. A request for a show of force was made to deter any possible enemy action while friendly forces were in the town. The show of force was successful as no enemy action occurred.
Nov 8: (also relased on USAF's public main website)
Chahar Bagh
A-10 Thunderbolt IIs provided armed overwatch for friendly forces patrols. When several friendly forces patrols reported receiving enemy small-arms fire, a request for airpower assistance was made. The point of origin for the enemy fire was confirmed and a strafing run was made, terminating the enemy fire.
A-10s conducted armed overwatch for friendly forces. When enemy activity was observed at an enemy-fighting position, airpower was called in to intervene. Shows of force were demonstrated and were successful in deterring any enemy action.
Nov 9:
Musa Qaleh
Coalition and A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for a Coalition/friendly forces patrol. Activity at an enemy position was observed and the patrol reported receiving enemy fire when it entered a compound. Shows of force were requested to deter any further enemy action. The shows of force (some with flares expended) were considered successful when no further enemy action was noted.
A-10 and Navy F/A-18C Hornet aircraft conducted armed overwatch for friendly forces. When enemy activity was observed at an enemy fighting position, air power was called in to intervene. Shows of force were demonstrated and were successful in deterring any enemy action.
Chahar Bagh
A-10 aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. When enemy personnel were reported engaging the friendly forces with small arms fire, strafing runs were conducted to deter and end any enemy action at the location. The strafing runs ended enemy hostility.
Nov 10:
No A-10 info
Nov 11:
Chahar Bagh
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces patrols and a convoy. When suspicious activity was observed at a known enemy fighting position, precision guided munitions were utilized to eliminate the threat to the friendly forces.
Nov 12:
No A-10 info
Nov 13:
Chahar Bagh
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft flew armed overwatch for friendly forces. When the friendly forces reported taking enemy small arms fire, a request for air power assistance was made. Shows of force were conducted over the enemy position and the shows of force were declared successful as the enemy fire ceased.
A-10 aircraft performed armed overwatch of friendly forces. When an airdrop was made in the area, a show of force was requested to deter any enemy action in the area and to maintain local populace interest in the airdrop. The show of force (with flares expended) was performed and considered successful.
Nov 14:
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. When enemy forces fired on the friendly forces, a request for air support was made. A show of force was performed (with flares expended) and the enemy fire ceased.
Nov 15:
Musa Qala
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft were providing armed overwatch for friendly forces. The aircraft were also providing reconnaissance of the area. When the friendly forces reported receiving enemy fire, the coordinates of the enemy compound were passed to the aircraft and several strafing runs were made. When the strafing runs were unsuccessful in suppressing the enemy fire a precision guided munition was released on the enemy fighting position which terminated the enemy fire and destroyed the compound.
Nov 16:
No A-10 info
Nov 17:
No A-10 info
Nov 18:
Musa Qaleh
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for a friendly forces recovery effort. When a friendly forces convoy was struck with an improvised explosive device, an effort to recover the damaged vehicle was made. Shows of force were requested to deter any potential enemy action during the recovery. The shows of force (some with flares expended) were considered successful when no enemy action was noted.
Nov 19:
No A-10 info
Nov 20:
No A-10 info
Nov 21:
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft conducted armed overwatch for Coalition forces. The Coalition forces reported enemy activity and requested a show of force to deter enemy aggression. A Show of force was performed (with rockets expended) that were considered successful when no enemy action was noted.
A-10 aircraft provided armed overwatch for a friendly forces convoy. Friendly forces reported unusual enemy activity in the area and requested a show of force to deter potential enemy action. The show of force was successful in preventing enemy action while the convoy passed through.
A-10 aircraft were providing armed overwatch for a friendly forces foot patrol. A show of force was requested when there reports of heavy enemy activity in the area. The show of force was performed to facilitate a friendly force evacuation. The show of force was successful in deterring enemy action in the area.
A-10 aircraft were in the area again that day providing armed overwatch for a friendly forces patrol conducting clearing operations in the village. When suspicious activity indicated possible imminent attack by enemy forces, a show force was performed. The show of force successfully deterred any potential enemy action while the friendly forces were [i]n the area.
Nov 22:
Chahar Bagh
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. When the friendly forces reported taking enemy small arms fire, air support was requested. A show of force (with flares expended) was performed and declared successful when enemy fire ceased.
Nov 23:
No A-10 info
Nov 24:
No A-10 info
Nov 25:
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for a friendly forces patrol. When enemy forces were observed acting in an unusual manner, a request for air support was made. A show of force was performed on the enemy position ending the enemy action.
A-10 aircraft provided armed overwatch for a friendly forces patrol and reconnaissance of the area. When the patrol reported taking enemy small arms fire from rooftops, a request for air power assistance was made. When the point of origin for the enemy fire could not be confirmed, shows of force were made to deter the enemy action. The shows of force were successful in stopping the enemy fire.
A-10 aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. A show of force was requested when the aircraft checked on station. The show of force was performed (with flares expended) and declared successful in its intention to deter enemy action.
Nov 26:
No A-10 info
Nov 27:
A-10 Thunderbolt II and F-15E aircraft provided armed overwatch and area reconnaissance for friendly forces. Air support was requested when the friendly forces indicated receiving enemy small arms fire from several points. The points of origin for the enemy fighting positions were confirmed and the aircraft provided an initial show of force in order to deter the enemy action. This was followed with strafing runs on one enemy fighting position and a precision guided munition on another enemy fighting position. The actions successfully ended the enemy small arms fire on the friendly forces.
Nov 28:
A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces and a convoy. When the aircraft arrived on station, the convoy reported taking enemy small arms fire and asked for air support. The aircraft fired rockets and marked the area for a strafing run. Numerous strafing runs were made before the enemy fire ceased. Then the convoy reported being hit with an improvised explosive device. Shows of force were conducted over the damaged convoy vehicle in order to deter any enemy action while the vehicle was checked out. The strafing runs and shows of force were successful as no further enemy activity was noted.
Nov 29:
Not released
Nov 30:
Not released
See also:
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for October 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for September 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for August 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for July 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for June 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for May 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for April 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for March 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for February 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for January 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for December 2008
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for November 2008
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for October 2008
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