by Joachim Jacob
From the "Airpower Summaries", released on USAF's public main website, for August 2009 I extracted and edited all available info related to A-10 Thunderbolt II combat missions in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom). The mostly daily airpower summaries for OEF and OIF are provided by Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) officials at Al Udeid AB, Qatar. According to the sources, all of the listed missions were confirmed successful by on-scene joint terminal attack controllers (JTACs).
Aug 1: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs employed shows of force with numerous flares released on a group of anti-Afghan forces near Herat. The shows of force took place in response to enemy fire on an Afghan and coalition unit.
A-10s used shows of force after an improvised explosive device hit a friendly convoy near Kandahar. The aircraft provided armed overwatch while casualties were evacuated. A second convoy in the area reported small-arms fire from enemy forces and additional shows of force were performed with release of flares that ended the enemy fire.
Aug 2: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were providing armed overwatch for friendly forces when they started receiving small-arms fire from anti-Afghan forces near Sangin. The A-10s engaged in a show of force that caused the anti-Afghan forces to cease fire and retreat.
A-10 Thunderbolt IIs used precision guided munitions on a tree line enemy position to end small-arms fire on friendly forces near Gereshk. The aircraft then launched a show of force to keep other enemy forces retreating after they had been routed from their position by friendly forces.
Near Mushan, A-10 aircraft providing armed overwatch engaged in a show of force when friendly forces encountered heavy-weapons fire and were hit by an improvised explosive device detonation. The aircraft then took action by dropping a precision-guided munition on the enemy force's position. The threat was eliminated.
Aug 3: No A-10 info.
Aug 4: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs provided armed overwatch near Tarin Kowt. They also executed a show of force to deter any enemy action as a friendly patrol approached the site of a previous enemy attack.
Aug 5: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were providing armed overwatch near Chahar Bagh when requested to eliminate an enemy position that had been identified as actively engaging friendly forces for several days. The enemy position was sought out by precision guided munitions and destroyed.
Aug 6: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs provided armed overwatch for friendly forces near Lashkar Gah. Strafing runs were requested on enemy positions to deter any enemy action and deemed successful after completion. A show of force on the enemy position continued to subdue threats to friendly forces.
At Qalat, A-10s were providing armed overwatch when friendly forces requested air support against anti-Afghan forces possibly planting an improvised explosive device. The A-10s executed a show of force on the enemy fighting position eliminating the threat.
Aug 7: Not released.
Aug 8: At Kandahar, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were providing armed overwatch when friendly forces requested air support against anti-Afghan forces after small-arms fire broke out. The A-10s executed a successful show of force on the enemy fighting position momentarily ending the threat. The A-10s were called back when small-arms fire resumed from a confirmed enemy position and they made several strafing runs with cannon fire. They then released precision-guided munitions on the enemy position and destroyed it. Enemy fire then broke out from a tree-line position and the A-10s stopped that enemy fire with a strafe of cannon fire.
In the vicinity of Chahar Bagh, A-10s providing armed overwatch of friendly forces were tasked with several shows of force to deter enemy aggression. The shows of force were deemed successful after the release of numerous flares.
Aug 9: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were performed a show of force near Chahar Bagh for friendly forces taking small-arms fire. The show of force ended the enemy action allowing the friendly forces to work on a disabled vehicle and return to the check point.
A-10s at Lashkar Gah were providing armed overwatch for friendly forces when small-arms fire broke out from known locations of anti-Afghan forces. The A-10s strafed the enemy positions with cannon fire causing all small-arms fire to cease.
Aug 10: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and coalition aircraft provided armed overwatch for a convoy near Tarin Kowt. The convoy reported being hit by several improvised explosive devices and was taking small-arms fire, rocket-propelled grenade fire and mortar fire from anti-Afghan insurgents. After they requested air support, the A-10s made several strafing runs with cannon fire on an enemy position confirmed in a tree line to deter the enemy action. The strafing was deemed successful after completion of the runs.
Near Musa Qaleh, A-10 aircraft were providing armed overwatch when friendly forces requested a show of force to deter enemy mortar and small-arms fire. The A-10s were successful in stopping the enemy action.
A-10 aircraft in the vicinity of Kandahar provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. When the friendly forces reported receiving small-arms fire from massing enemy forces, the A-10s successfully employed shows of force to deter the enemy action.
Aug 11: Near Shurakian, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were providing armed overwatch when friendly forces requested a show of force to deter enemy action. The A-10s were successful in stopping the enemy action with the show of force.
Aug 12: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were providing armed overwatch in the vicinity of Now Zad when they were requested to provide armed intervention against enemy forces. Enemy positions were confirmed and numerous strafing runs were made to eliminate the positions.
Several A-10s conducted shows of force after a friendly force's convoy was struck with an improvised explosive device in Tarin Kowt. The shows of force allowed the friendly forces to strip the damaged vehicle of all information. Once the damaged vehicle was abandoned, precision guided munitions rendered it useless to the enemy.
In Now Zad, A-10s work with friendly forces to eliminate enemy positions that were firing on friendly forces. The enemy positions were taken out with cannon fire.
Outside the town of Musa Qaleh, A-10 aircraft provided a successful show of force for friendly forces to deter enemy action. The aircraft then continued to provide armed overwatch.
Aug 13: A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces near Parmakan. A friendly force's convoy requested help to destroy a damaged convoy vehicle. The aircraft released precision guided munitions on the vehicle as requested, rendering it useless and preventing enemy use. As the friendly forces convoy reached its destination they reported being attacked by enemy small-arms fire. They requested shows of force to deter enemy aggression. The shows of force were deemed successful as the enemy fire ceased.
Near Lashkar Gah, B-1B Lancers and A-10s were providing armed overwatch when friendly forces requested a show of force to deter enemy action. The A-10s were successful in stopping the enemy action with the show of force. Then an enemy position was identified, confirmed and destroyed by precision guided munitions.
Aug 14: No A-10 info.
Aug 15: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were providing armed overwatch in the vicinity of Lashkar Gah when they were requested to provide a show of force against enemy forces. The aircrews conducted a show of force on an enemy mortar position. Enemy activity ceased after the show of force.
Aug 16: A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces near Sangin. Friendly forces requested help when enemy forces engaged them with small-arms fire. They requested shows of force to deter enemy aggression. The shows of force were deemed successful as the enemy fire ceased.
Near Sheykhabad, A-10s were providing armed overwatch when friendly forces requested a show of force to deter enemy action. The A-10s were successful in stopping the enemy action with the show of force and expenditure of flares.
Aug 17: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs provided armed overwatch for friendly forces near Herat. Friendly forces were attempting to move a vehicle that struck an improvised explosive device a day earlier. Shows of force were requested to diffuse any potential enemy threat. The shows of force were successful in preventing the threat of attack.
Aug 18: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were providing armed overwatch in the vicinity of Lashkar Gah when they were requested to provide armed air interdiction against enemy forces. Friendly forces reported taking small-arms fire from two confirmed enemy positions. The aircraft conducted several strafing runs on the enemy positions resulting in their destruction and ending enemy activity.
A-10s and coalition aircraft worked together with friendly forces at Oruzgan to eliminate enemy forces who were intermittently firing on friendly forces. Several shows of force terminated action from the enemy position.
In the vicinity of Sheykhabad, A-10 aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. Friendly forces reported receiving enemy small-arms fire. The aircraft then engaged in shows of force to deter the enemy activity. The enemy dispersed after the shows of force.
Aug 19: No 10 info.
Aug 20: A-10 Thunderbolt II and B-1B Lancer aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces near Qalat. While on station, friendly forces were hit with small-arms fire and requested air support to eliminate the enemy fire. The point of origin for the enemy fire was confirmed and strafing runs with cannon fire and precision guided munitions were deployed on the positions and eliminated. Afghan National Army forces also came under fire at a checkpoint and precision guided munitions were released on the enemy position destroying it.
A-10 aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces near Sangin. While on patrol, friendly forces were hit with small-arms fire and requested air support to eliminate the enemy fire. The point of origin for the enemy fire was confirmed as a cave entrance and precision guided munitions were deployed on the position and it was eliminated.
In Ali Kheyl, A-10 aircraft provided armed overwatch for ground forces. While there, the friendly forces were hit with-small arms fire and requested air support to eliminate the enemy fire. Several shows of force, using illumination flares, ended the enemy conflict.
A-10 and coalition aircraft were over Lowkhi when anti-Afghan forces were observed in a ravine advancing on a friendly force's position. The aircraft immediately initiated shows of force with flares expended to deter further enemy action. At the conclusion of the shows of force, the enemy was observed leaving the area.
At Sangin, A-10 and coalition aircraft provided armed overwatch. Friendly forces requested air assistance when they came under small-arms fire. Several strafing runs terminated the enemy fire and destroyed the enemy position and the aircraft action concluded with a show of force to deter any additional enemy action.
Aug 21: A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft were in overwatch of Chahar Bagh to assist friendly forces with a potential enemy threat. A friendly patrol was clearing a known enemy position that had earlier fired on other friendly forces. A strafing run had been requested prior to them entering the compound. After completing the sweep, friendly forces requested a show of force to deter enemy aggression.
Aug 22: In Asmar, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs in the area provided protection to friendly forces under sniper fire. The point of origin for the sniper fire was confirmed and the A-10s commenced strafing runs on the enemy position in lieu of precision guided munitions due to proximity of a local village. The strafing runs were successful in terminating the enemy position.
Aug 23: No A-10 info.
Aug 24: A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft responded to a strike call at friendly forces at Moqor. They identified and confirmed an enemy position. The A-10s engaged the positions with cannon fire and eliminated them.
Several A-10s in the Kandahar area provided protection to friendly forces hit with an improvised explosive device. The A-10s executed a show of force and launched flares to deter enemy aggression on the damaged vehicle.
Aug 25: A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch at Oruzgan and then delivered armed interdiction for a friendly force's mobile operation. Cannon fire and a precision-guided munition aided in the capture of numerous enemy personnel.
Aug 26: A-10 Thunderbolt II and Navy F/A-18C Hornet aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces near Oruzgan. The aircraft focused attention on tree line enemy positions when friendly forces reported them as points of origin for mortar, rocket-propelled grenade and small-arms fire . A show of force, which included release of flares, was successful in briefly deterring enemy action. Later, several strafing runs and a precision-guided munition eliminated the enemy positions.
Aug 27: In Qalat, A-10s provided protection to a friendly force's operation. The A-10s executed a strafing run of cannon fire for enemy containment allowing friendly helicopter infiltration. They also provided shows of force with flares expended when an enemy rocket-propelled grenade position was identified. The show of force terminated action at the position.
A-10s over Sheykhabad demonstrated several shows of force for friendly ground troops being attacked by enemy fire. When the shows of force released flares, all enemy fire ceased.
Aug 28: B-1B Lancer, F-15E Strike Eagle and A-10 Thunderbolt II aircraft provided armed overwatch for coalition and friendly forces near Orgun E. The ground forces reported receiving small-arms fire from a treeline position and an enemy compound position. Strafing runs were made on the treeline position and numerous precision-guided munitions were released on the compound with devastating results. Enemy aggression ceased.
An A-10 provided armed overwatch for friendly forces near Chahar Bagh. The aircraft focused attention on an enemy sniper position that friendly forces reported as a point-of-origin for small arms fire. A strafing run suppressed the enemy fire and a later show of force, which included release of flares, was successful in continued deterrence of enemy action allowing the friendly forces to move out of danger.
At Tarin Kowt, A-10s provided armed interdiction for friendly force's convoy and displayed a show of force to successfully deter any enemy aggression on the convoy.
Aug 29: In Now Zad, A-10 Thunderbolt II and an MQ-9A Reaper provided overwatch for friendly forces. The friendly forces reported receiving small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenade attacks from a mobile enemy position and requested assistance. A strafing run and rocket eliminated the mobile enemy position.
F-15E Strike Eagle, F-16 and A-10 aircraft in the vicinity of Shkin, Asadabad and Chahar Bagh provided overwatch for friendly forces. There were shows of force conducted over each city to deter enemy aggression and small-arms fire on friendly force's convoys, patrols and positions. The shows of force were successful in each case.
Aug 30: No A-10 info.
Aug 31: No A-10 info.
See also:
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for July 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for June 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for May 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for April 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for March 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for February 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for January 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for December 2008
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for November 2008
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for October 2008
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