by Joachim Jacob
From the "Airpower Summaries", released on USAF's public main website, for July 2009 I extracted and edited all available info related to A-10 Thunderbolt II combat missions in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom). The mostly daily airpower summaries for OEF and OIF are provided by Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) officials at Al Udeid AB, Qatar. According to the sources, all of the listed missions were confirmed successful by on-scene joint terminal attack controllers (JTACs).
Jul 1: Not released
Jul 2: Not released
Jul 3: A large engagement near Tarin Kowt resulted in the scramble of a number of coalition aircraft over the area. Among them, an A-10 Thunderbolt II and a B-1B Lancer conducted strikes with a strafing run and guided bomb unit-38s respectively. After the A-10 flew shows of force as a warning to enemy forces, the aircraft engaged. The jets destroyed enemy fighting positions and an observation post which had been coordinating an attack on Afghan and coalition personnel and vehicles. The B-1B also provided overwatch for a convoy after an improvised explosive device was exploded near a convoy vehicle.
An MQ-9A Reaper and A-10s in the Soltani region responded to an anti-Afghan forces attack in which enemy gunmen opened fire with rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns from prepared fighting positions. The Reaper hit two separate groups of enemy shooters using a GBU-12 each. The A-10s employed GBU-38s and 30mm strafes to hit additional enemy forces in a building and in an open field, bringing the fight to a close. The A-10 also used shows of force as a means of suppressing enemy fire while avoiding damage to civilian buildings being used by anti-Afghan forces as cover.
Jul 4: A-10s flew several shows of force to stop an anti-Afghan forces mortar bombardment against friendly troops. The A-10s used strafing passes and a general purpose 500-pound bomb to destroy enemy fighting positions when hostile fire continued. The aircraft marked their targets with smoke prior to opening fire with live munitions, allowing coalition ground forces to confirm the enemy positions were properly identified.
Jul 5: Near Asadabad, F-15E Strike Eagles dropped guided bomb unit-31s on enemy mortar emplacements. Enemy forces were detected preparing to launch an indirect fire strike, leading to the aircraft targeting them in self-defense of friendly forces. Nearby, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs conducted shows of force to prevent an enemy attack near a coalition forward base.
Jul 6: An A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force near Bagram after a friendly convoy started taking enemy fire. The aircraft's maneuver ended enemy aggression.
Near Asadabad, an A-10 executed a show of force in the vicinity of a coalition convoy that was taking automatic weapons and RPG fire. The enemy shooters ceased fire and withdrew after the aircraft arrived on scene.
An A-10 flying over Bastion conducted a show of force after a coalition vehicle was hit by an IED. The aircraft remained overhead to provide an escort as the unit returned to base.
Jul 7: In Asmar, friendly forces under small-arms fire called for strafing by A-10 Thunderbolt II's. Upon completion of the strafing runs the enemy fire ceased.
A-10's providing convoy escort received a call for a show of force after the convoy started receiving assault rifle fire near Soltani. The enemy's fire ceased after the jets arrived.
Jul 8: No A-10 info
Jul 9: No A-10 info
Jul 10: A-10 Thunderbolt II also used a show of force to stop enemy aggression on friendly forces at Kabul. Indirect small-arms fire on coalition forces ceased when flares were dispensed by the aircraft.
In an event at Malek Din, an A-10 also used a show of force and dropped a GBU-38 on an improvised explosive device launch site. Destruction of this site eliminated an imminent threat of safety for civilians and friendly forces.
Asadabad saw action as several A-10s dropped flares and conducted a show of force allowing coalition forces pinned down by enemy fire to regroup when the firing stopped.
Jul 11: At Asadabad during the night, several A-10 Thunderbolt IIs used illumination flares and MK-82 bombs to shut down an enemy position. Enemy small-arm fire and RPGs immediately stopped.
Outside of Kabul, A-10s conducted a show of force effectively stopping enemy small-arms fire.
Jul 12: Several A-10 Thunderbolt IIs at Asadabad rolled in to provide cover for friendly forces taking small arms fire. They destroyed numerous enemy fighting positions prior to a scheduled friendly convoy passing through the area. GBU-38's were used to complete the mission.
Asadabad saw several A-10s execute a show of force in the vicinity of a coalition convoy that was taking automatic weapons and rocket-propelled gernade fire. The enemy shooters ceased fire and withdrew after the aircraft arrived on scene.
After friendly forces started taking small arms fire near Ghazni, an A-10 carried out shows of force over suspected enemy positions. Ground personnel reported that the shooting stopped following the demonstration of airpower.
An A-10 flying over Asmar strafed an enemy position when friendly forces came under small arms fire. The enemy fire ceased immediately.
Konduz also saw action as an A-10 flew a show of force expending numerous flares to stop enemy small arms fire on coalition forces.
In the vicinity of Asadabad, A-10s destroyed an enemy imminent threat using strafing runs to quiet small arms fire on friendly forces.
Jul 13: In Ghazni, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs conducted shows of force to deter enemy aggression on friendly forces. The A-10s released flares resulting in an immediate cease fire of small arms and rocket-propelled grenades.
Near Orgun-E, A-10s conducted shows of force to prevent an enemy attack on nearby coalition forces.
Near Malek Din, A-10s conducted shows of force to deter enemy aggression on friendly forces. The A-10s released flares resulting in an immediate cease fire of small arms and RPGs.
Jul 14: In Asmar, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs conducted shows of force to deter enemy aggression on friendly forces. The A-10s released flares resulting in an immediate cessation of small arms fire.
In the vicinity of Asadabad, A-10s were called in numerous times in support of friendly ground forces. The aircraft made repeated strafing runs on the enemy position and released several guided bomb unit-38s and ultimately succeeded in deterring enemy small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenade attacks.
A-10 aircraft were providing armed overwatch when a friendly convoy came under indirect small-arms fire near Orgun-E. The attack ended when the aircraft flew a show of force over the area and expended numerous flares.
A-10s were again providing armed overwatch when a friendly ground unit came under automatic weapons fire near Asadabad. The attack ended when the aircraft flew a show of force over the area, then made several strafing runs and dropped several general purpose 500-pound bombs on enemy positions.
Jul 15: At Asadabad, A-10 Thunderbolt II's strafed an enemy position and destroyed it. The enemy position was firing rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire on coalition forces.
Several A-10's at Asadabad rolled in to provide cover for friendly forces taking RPG fire. They destroyed the enemy fighting position by strafing the position with cannon fire.
Asmar saw several A-10's execute a show of force in the vicinity of coalition forces. The enemy forces withdrew after the aircraft arrived on scene.
After a friendly force convoy started taking small-arms fire in an ambush near Orgun-E, A-10's carried out shows of force over the suspected enemy position. Friendly ground forces reported that the shooting stopped following strafing runs on the enemy position. Armed overwatch was continued after a vehicle in the convoy was struck by an IED.
A-10's flying over Gardez conducted a show of force on an enemy position preventing friendly forces from coming under small-arms fire.
Jul 16: Asmar saw A-10 Thunderbolts several times during the day as they destroyed several enemy positions that had been firing RPGs and small arms on coalition forces and friendly forces. This was accomplished with several strafing runs and the release of several GBU-38s on the enemy positions. Armed overwatch was provided for several more hours.
Jul 17: At Asadabad, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and F-15Es rolled in to provide cover for friendly forces taking RPG and small-arms fire. Numerous strafing runs, several GBU-38s and MK-82 general purpose bombs destroyed the enemy position eliminating the threat to friendly forces.
Jul 18: Near Lashkar, A-10 Thunderbolt II's strafed an enemy position after friendly forces were hit with an improvised explosive device. Enemy forces at this position were directing small-arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades on the friendly forces. All weapons fire from the enemy position ceased upon completion of strafing run.
Near Soltani, several A-10's provided protection to friendly forces that were under hostile action from enemy forces. Several five-hundred pound bombs were dropped on the enemy position and the hostile action was terminated.
Jul 19: ear Konduz, A-10 Thunderbolt II's provided shows of force on enemy positions. Enemy troops in these positions were directing small-arms fire on friendly forces. All weapons fire from the enemy positions ceased with the shows of force.
A-10's at Soltani provided cover for friendly forces taking small-arms fire. Shows of force provided by the A-10 aircraft ended the skirmish.
An enemy position at Asmar was destroyed by A-10's. Enemy forces at the position had been firing small arms on coalition and friendly forces. This was accomplished with the release of several GBU-38's on the enemy positions. Armed overwatch was provided for several more hours.
In the vicinity of Asadabad, A-10's performed armed overwatch which included shows of force when friendly forces came under small-arms fire from an enemy position. After numerous flares were expended, the enemy fire stopped.
Jul 20: At Moqor, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs demonstrated shows of force on anti-coalition forces that had been firing rocket-propelled grenades on coalition and friendly forces. Enemy forces ceased fire after several flares were expended. Armed overwatch was provided for several more hours.
Jul 21: In Surkhabad A-10 Thunderbolt II's released GBU-38's on an anti-coalition forces position that had been assaulting coalition and friendly forces with small-arms fire. Enemy forces ceased fire after the strike.
Near Kabul, A-10's provided armed overwatch for friendly forces that had previously taken small-arms fire from enemy forces. Shows of force utilizing flares were conducted while medevac operations rescued several friendly forces needing medical attention.
A-10's near Asadabad deterred an imminent threat by enemy forces with shows of force. After flares were expended, enemy forces disengaged and left the area.
Jul 22: Near Asmar, A-10 Thunderbolt II's provided armed overwatch for friendly forces that had taken small-arms fire from enemy forces. Shows of force utilizing flares were conducted and the enemy fire ceased.
Jul 23: ear Lashkar Gah, A-10 Thunderbolt II's provided armed overwatch for friendly forces in a convoy. Enemy forces opened fire on the convoy with rocket propelled grenades and small-arms fire. The A-10's strafed enemy positions numerous times, which stopped the enemy engagement on the convoy.
Jul 24: A-10 Thunderbolt II's were at Asmar providing armed overwatch when friendly forces came under attack. The Anti-Afghan forces position was identified and a guided bomb unit-38 was dropped eliminating the position.
Jul 25: Near Asadabad, A-10 Thunderbolt II's provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. Enemy forces opened heavy small-arms fire trapping the friendly forces. The A-10's provided several strafing runs on the enemy positions and then dropped several guided bomb unit-38's which stopped the enemy engagement.
Jul 26: Near Surkhabad, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and coalition aircraft provided armed overwatch for friendly forces. Enemy forces opened heavy small-arms fire trapping the friendly forces. The A-10s executed several strafing runs on the enemy positions and then dropped several guided bomb unit-38s. Coalition aircraft also dropped several GBU-12s on same location. Friendly forces were able to evacuate their position.
Several A-10s were in the vicinity of Asadabad to provide friendly forces with air cover. The A-10s provided support to friendly forces after they had received small-arms fire and a barrage of rocket-propelled grenades. Several GBU-38s were dropped on the enemy position eliminating the threat.
Jul 27: Near Shurakian, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and coalition aircraft provided armed overwatch for a friendly convoy. Enemy forces opened heavy small-arms fire from a tree line position on the friendly forces. The A-10s strafed the enemy position multiple times and then dropped several guided bomb unit-38s. Coalition aircraft also dropped several GBU-12s on the same location. Friendly forces were able to safely evacuate under air cover.
A patrol that struck an improvised explosive device requested air support from A-10s that were providing armed overwatch at Surkhabad. The A-10s provided a show of force including release of flares over the friendly position to help secure the location.
In Sangin, MQ-9A Reapers and A-10s prevented enemy attacks on friendly forces and the civilian population. Aircraft provided surveillance for ground forces that led to apprehension of several anti-Afghan forces. Aircrews also detected enemy forces attempting to plant an improvised explosive device; a missile was launched and terminated the threat.
Jul 28: No A-10 info
Jul 29: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs at Balocan provided support for friendly forces that received rocket-propelled grenade attacks from enemy forces. After several shows of force the small-arms fire ceased.
A friendly forces convoy requested air support from Navy F/A-18C Hornets that were providing armed overwatch at Tarin Kowt. The convoy reported RPG attacks and small-arms fire. The Hornets provided several shows of force and expended numerous flares. A-10s were also in the vicinity providing support to friendly forces. The Air Force aircraft destroyed several anti-Afghan force positions with precision guided munitions and cannon fire. Coalition airpower stopped the enemy attacks.
Jul 30: Coalition aircraft and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs at Asmar provided support for friendly forces that received small-arms fire from enemy forces. After several shows of force, a precision guided munition was employed and the small-arms fire ceased.
Jul 31: B-1B Lancers and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs both used shows of force to end enemy fire on a friendly convoy near Farah. The aircraft coordinated with ground force's observers who verified that the enemy forces firing rocket-propelled grenades had ceased activities.
See also:
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for June 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for May 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for April 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for March 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for February 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for January 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for December 2008
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for November 2008
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for October 2008
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