by Joachim Jacob
From the "Airpower Summaries", released on USAF's public main website, for May 2009 I extracted and edited all available info related to A-10 Thunderbolt II combat missions in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom). The mostly daily airpower summaries for OEF and OIF are provided by Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) officials at Al Udeid AB, Qatar. According to the sources, all of the listed missions were confirmed successful by on-scene joint terminal attack controllers (JTACs).
May 1: Near Khowst, an A-10 Thunderbolt II carried out a show of force to deter an enemy force which was firing mortars and assault weapons at Afghan National Army and coalition troops. The maneuver suppressed the enemy fire.
May 2: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs dropped guided bomb unit-38s against enemy targets including a weapons cache and a cave being used as an enemy outpost in the area around Asmar. The strikes took place after Afghan National Army and coalition ground forces began taking fire from anti-Afghan gunmen.
In the Orgun area, F-15E Strike Eagles and A-10 Thunderbolt IIs conducted shows of force over an area where a coalition humanitarian convoy was attacked by multiple improvised explosive devices. The maneuvers suppressed enemy activity while the convoy returned to base.
May 3: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs carried out a strafing run against an enemy mortar site in Asmar after marking it with smoke to ensure proper target identification. The jets were responding to an anti-Afghan forces attack against a coalition forward base.
May 4: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs carried out shows of force and launched flares to deter enemy forces attacking a coalition reconstruction convoy. The maneuvers ended the enemy attack and allowed the convoy to proceed with its mission.
May 5: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and F-15E Strike Eagles engaged anti-Afghan positions using GBU-31s and -38s. The aircraft destroyed a cave complex being used as an enemy base when enemy personnel started shooting at coalition and Afghan soldiers.
May 6: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs performed shows of force in the vicinity of Ramak to deter enemy action while Afghan and coalition forces conducted a security sweep. Afghan National Police searched a mosque in which insurgents were believed to be basing their operations.
An A-10 conducted several shows of force over Kabul following an explosion near a coalition forward base. Personnel at the base requested shows of force to deter suspected anti-Afghan forces activity following the explosion.
May 7: An A-10 Thunderbolt II conducted a show of force over Ghazni to deter enemy aggression. The aircraft intervened after anti-Afghan forces initiated an ambush on a coalition convoy using an improvised explosive device and began firing mortars and automatic weapons.
Enemy forces near Gardez, firing RPGs and machine guns at a coalition unit, were stopped by an A-10's shows of force. The Thunderbolt II conducted the fly-bys to aid a coalition patrol in withdrawing from an anti-Afghan forces' IED-initiated ambush.
May 8: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs conducted strikes on anti-Afghan forces near Ali Kheyl using guided bomb unit-38s and 30mm Avenger cannon strafes. The jets rolled in and hit several groups of enemy personnel who were attacking a coalition position.
A-10s flying over Moqor conducted a show of force and launched flares when a combined Afghan and coalition security patrol came under enemy fire. The enemy's shooting ended as soon as the aircraft passed overhead.
May 9: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs responded to an anti-Afghan forces attack against a coalition position near Asmar by targeting enemy forces with general purpose 500-pound bombs. The jets hit the enemy positions on an overlooking ridge line after the attackers began using rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons.
In the vicinity of Nurestan, A-10s conducted multiple strafing runs and dropped 500-pound bombs on groups of anti-Afghan forces personnel preparing to attack a coalition forward base. The aircraft hit several groups of enemy gunmen with cannon bursts and bombs, then performed rapid evasive maneuvers and expended flares to avoid return fire. The jets used smoke marking rounds to confirm the location of enemy targets with ground forces prior to releasing weapons.
Near Gardez, a Navy F/A-18E Super Hornet executed a show of force and expended flares over an enemy position prior to an Afghan National Army and coalition dismounted patrol. The show of force thwarted a planned enemy ambush when anti-Afghan forces personnel realized their location was known and fled the area. Later, an A-10 flew a show of force and expended flares to deter further enemy action as the patrol prepared to depart the area.
May 10: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs used 30mm cannons and guided bomb unit-38s to interdict anti-Afghan personnel who were spotted building fighting positions near Asmar. The aircraft employed weapons after Afghan and coalition ground forces gained positive identification of the armed enemy personnel.
In the Jalalabad area, A-10s also conducted strafing attacks and employed a GBU-38 and general purpose 500-pound bombs to strike anti-Afghan forces. Enemy gunmen had opened fire on a coalition observation post prior to the engagement.
May 11: A flight of A-10 Thunderbolt IIs carried out an air-support mission over an Afghan Border Patrol checkpoint near Shinkay after anti-Afghan gunmen attacked Afghan personnel. The aircraft performed several shows of force and launched flares and fired smoke rounds as a warning shot, driving off the gunmen.
A-10s provided several shows of force and launched flares over an Afghan Border Patrol outpost in Ghazni after enemy personnel crossed in from Pakistan and attacked Afghan government troops. The A-10s arrival caused the enemy forces to run away into the mountains.
In Asadabad, an A-10 performed shows of force at the request of a humanitarian supply convoy in order to prevent an enemy attack. The jet's presence prevented the enemy from interfering with the convoy's mission.
May 12: An A-10 Thunderbolt II executed shows of force and expended flares to pre-empt an enemy attack on a coalition observation post near Shkin. The aircraft also provided overwatch for the position.
May 13: An A-10 Thunderbolt II conducted strafing runs against anti-Afghan forces in the vicinity of Malek Din. The aircraft carried out the strikes after enemy forces launched mortar attacks on friendly units.
May 14: An A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force and expended flares for emphasis over Salerno after enemy forces attacked a coalition forward base. The arrival of the aircraft prompted an immediate retreat by enemy personnel.
Near Ghazni, A-10s performed shows of force to increase security presence as Afghan and coalition troops started taking fire as they returned to their vehicles. The show of force suppressed hostile fire allowing the patrol to withdraw and return to base. Another A-10 conducted a show of force after a convoy was struck by an improvised explosive device, halting an ambush which followed the blast. Later, an F-15E and an A-10 conducted additional shows of force and launched flares in the area to deter additional enemy activity.
May 15: An A-10 Thunderbolt II hit several enemy fighting positions on a ridgeline near Salerno using strafing passes and general purpose 500-pound bombs. The aircraft intervened following a mortar and automatic weapons attack on an Afghan and Coalition convoy.
An A-10 carried out a show of force over Ghazni, expending flares, to deter enemy forces preparing for an attack. The aircraft also provided armed overwatch for friendly units.
Outside Bagram, an A-10 flew a show of force to discourage enemy actions while Coalition forces took captured personnel into custody. Friendly ground forces completed the transfer of prisoners without incident.
May 16: An A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force near a coalition forward base in order to deter enemy aggression. The maneuver pre-empted the need to conduct a kinetic strike in an area which might have endangered Afghan civilians.
A provincial reconstruction team operating in Tarin Kowt called in an A-10 to perform a show of force to prevent enemy activity. The team was engaged in rebuilding operations and was concerned that anti-Afghan forces were preparing an attack to stop their assistance effort.
May 17: An A-10 Thunderbolt II carried out strafing attacks in Orgun, targeting anti-Afghan forces entrenched in a ravine. The enemy group had targeted Afghan and coalition ground forces. The aircraft used smoke rounds to mark the target prior to engaging, ensuring nearby civilian structures would not be at risk.
In the vicinity of Asadabad, an A-10 was called in to destroy anti-Afghan fighting positions detected during a friendly ground operation. The aircraft spotted enemy fighters in dug-in locations preparing to open fire, targeting them with guided bomb unit-38s.
An A-10 carried out a show of force near a coalition forward base in order to prevent an enemy attack on the installation. Sentries had seen signs of suspicious activity and requested the maneuver to deter enemy action.
May 18: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and an F-15E Strike Eagle conducted strafing passes and released a guided bomb unit-12 against an anti-Afghan force attacking a coalition forward base. During the fight, Afghan National Army forces called off an A-10 strafing attack due to concerns that enemy personnel were hiding amongst local civilian women in an apparent attempt to provoke aircraft to harm them. The aircraft instead performed a show of force to disperse the enemy.
F-15Es and an A-10 conducted shows of force over Bagram, launching flares, to deter enemy aggression against an Afghan and coalition forces convoy. The aircraft also provided overwatch after a convoy vehicle was disabled by an improvised explosive device.
May 19: An A-10 Thunderbolt II rolled in for a strafing run, striking advancing enemy gunmen during their attack on a coalition observation post outside Bagram. Enemy forces vacated their remaining positions and fled afterward.
Over Ghazni, an A-10 carried out a show of force after a coalition forward base came under attack. The A-10 launched flares for added emphasis of force, driving off the enemy attackers.
May 20: A battle in Lashkar Gah which began May 18 continued. Additional aircraft joined the fight, including Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, B-1B Lancers, MQ-1B Predators, and MQ-9A Reapers. Coordinating strikes to support ground forces, aircraft employed gun strafes, a variety of guided bomb unit types, and Hellfire missiles to destroy anti-Afghan forces fighting positions, sniper hideouts and mortar emplacements. Nearby, a Predator fired a Hellfire missile to stop a group of enemy personnel planting an improvised explosive device.
Near Qalat an A-10 conducted several shows of force with flare expenditures to ward off enemy forces near a coalition forward base. The aircraft also provided armed overwatch of the surrounding terrain.
An A-10 conducted a show of force to deter enemy aggression toward Afghan and coalition convoys. The jet provided escort for the convoys, helping to ensure an uneventful trip to their destinations supporting reconstruction and humanitarian operations.
May 21: The battle in Lashkar Gah, which started May 18, continued. Many additional sorties of coalition aircraft entered the fight, including Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, F-15E Strike Eagles, B-1B Lancers, MQ-1B Predators, MQ-9A Reapers and Navy F/A-18F Super Hornets.
Aircraft struck anti-Afghan forces positions using several guided bomb unit types, general purpose 500-pound guided bombs, strafes and Hellfire missiles. Targets included enemy fighting positions among treelines, ridges and buildings; sniper hides and fighting holes; and mortar and rocket emplacements. Several aircraft flew shows of force to deter enemy forces or to suppress enemy fire to enable friendly maneuver.
In Ghazni, an A-10 carried out a series of strikes and strafes to target a group of anti-Afghan forces engaging Afghan and coalition units. The A-10 hit a concentration of enemy personnel in the open and destroyed a fighting position inside a building. The jet also performed shows of force and launched flares to suppress the enemy.
May 22: The battle in Lashkar Gah concluded after additional aircraft engaged anti-Afghan forces targets. Joining the engagement were Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, F-15E Strike Eagles, B-1B Lancers, MQ-1B Predators and MQ-9A Reapers as well as Navy F/A-18C Hornets and F/A-18E Super Hornets.
Using a variety of guided bomb unit types, strafes, rockets and Hellfire missiles, the aircraft struck numerous enemy targets including buildings and compounds which were the site of drug production operations, as well as groups of enemy personnel and their fighting positions during the fight. The battle resulted in a reduction in anti-Afghan forces drug processing capability and significant losses to enemy forces in southern Afghanistan.
An A-10 performed overwatch after an AH-64 Apache helicopter experienced what early reports suggested was a possible mechanical failure and crashed. The A-10 provided cover for operations as medevac helicopters and recovery personnel arrived on scene.
Near Sheykhabad, A-10s conducted strafing runs against anti-Afghan forces personnel taking cover in a treeline. The aircraft used smoke rounds to adjust fire onto the target before opening fire with 30mm cannons.
In Qal-E-Naw, Hornets, Super Hornets and an A-10 conducted shows of force as an Afghan patrol accompanied by coalition advisors entered a village. The overflights deterred enemy forces from attacking as the soldiers met with local residents and moved through the town.
May 23: An A-10 Thunderbolt II flew a show of force over Qalat after Afghan and coalition troops took mortar fire. The maneuver suppressed further attacks.
May 24: An A-10 Thunderbolt II struck enemy personnel in the open after anti-Afghan forces attacked Afghan and coalition military personnel near a coalition forward base in the vicinity of Asadabad. The aircraft used 500-pound general purpose bombs to conduct the strike.
Near Ghazni, A-10s took out an enemy weapons cache located in a mountainside cave. The aircraft used several GBU-38s and 30mm cannon strafes to completely destroy the cache.
An A-10 flew a show of force and launched flares to ward enemy gunmen away from a coalition observation post near Ghazni that was under attack. The aircraft's appearance prompted anti-Afghan forces to disengage.
May 25: In the vicinity of Asadabad, an F-15E Strike Eagle used a GBU-31 to target enemy forces along a mountain route as they headed towards Pakistan. The enemy personnel had carried out an attack against Afghan security forces with rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons just prior to the strike and were attempting to escape across the border. Nearby, Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt IIs conducted numerous strafing passes, tearing into treelines full of enemy forces fighting positions.
In Ghazni, A-10s carried out strafing passes against enemy gunmen in a field who were running from a firefight. The gunmen had just attacked coalition and Afghan forces with RPGs and assault rifles and were trying to get away.
May 26: An A-10 Thunderbolt II conducted strafing runs during a firefight near Remak. After anti-Afghan forces attacked a coalition and Afghan unit, the aircraft used its 30mm cannon to destroy an enemy command post and fighting positions along a ridgeline.
In Qalat, B-1B Lancers and Navy F/A-18C Hornets and F/A-18F Super Hornets intervened when an Afghan and coalition convoy vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device and anti-Afghan forces began shooting. Using guided bomb unit-38s and -12s, the aircraft hit enemy fighting positions surrounding the convoy's position and destroyed damaged coalition equipment to keep it from falling into enemy hands. An F-15E Strike Eagle and an A-10 also conducted shows of force over positions where enemy forces were located in order to suppress their fire.
In the vicinity of Asadabad, an A-10 conducted a show force while performing overwatch for a friendly foot patrol after the patrol started taking fire. The maneuver stopped hostile fire allowing the patrol to continue its mission.
May 27: Near Ghazni, an A-10 Thunderbolt II conducted a show of force and launched flares to deter enemy aggression during a medevac operation. Army helicopters were transporting wounded personnel including Afghan civilians after an enemy suicide bomber detonated explosives near a coalition unit. Anti-Afghan forces began resorting to suicide bomb attacks after recently losing numerous gunmen in field operations. The attack indiscriminately targeted civilians in a crowded public area.
May 28: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, F-15E Strike Eagles and a Navy F/A-18C Hornet employed a variety of munitions during an engagement near Oruzgan. The strikes, using various guided bomb unit munitions, general purpose 500-pound bombs and cannon strafes, targeted anti-Afghan forces who were detected preparing for an attack on an Afghan and coalition unit. A convoy vehicle had been hit by an improvised explosive device, prompting the ground forces commander to call in air support.
F-15Es and A-10s conducted strikes near Remak using GBU-31s and -38s. The aircraft destroyed a cave complex housing an enemy outpost and weapons cache and targeted enemy personnel in the immediate area.
An A-10 and F-15E bombed several enemy mortar positions near Asadabad using GBU-38s and a GBU-31. The emplacements had been bombarding friendly units in the area. Another A-10 also conducted a show of force and expended flares to stop fire against a nearby convoy.
An A-10 conducted a show of force and expended flares to prevent enemy interference as Afghan and coalition troops conducted a sweep operation. The troops located and cleared an enemy weapons cache with the aircraft providing overwatch.
May 29: An A-10 Thunderbolt II conducted a strafing run against a group of anti-Afghan forces firing rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns against a coalition forward base. The aircraft followed up with a show of force to discourage any additional attack.
May 30: A-10 Thunderbolt IIs flying a close-air-support mission over Asadabad destroyed numerous enemy fighting positions with guided bomb unit-38s. A friendly unit had taken small-arms fire from the positions prior to requesting the air strikes.
Near Orgun, an A-10 used a GBU-38 to destroy an anti-Afghan forces cache where enemy personnel were in the process of stockpiling weapons. The aircraft took a handoff from an MQ-1B Predator, which had monitored the enemy personnel bringing a large quantity of weapons and ammo into the location prior to the strike. Nearby, a Navy F/A-18F Super Hornet flew a show of force and expended flares, stopping enemy fire from anti-Afghan shooters against a convoy on a ridgeline.
May 31: Several A-10 Thunderbolt IIs were called in for strikes during a firefight between an Afghan and coalition convoy and enemy gunmen firing from a building in Ghazni. The aircraft used guided bomb unit-38s to hit the fighting positions and targeted additional enemy personnel who arrived after the strike. One of the jets flew shows of force and launched flares to deter an enemy counterattack.
Later in the same area, F-15E Strike Eagles flying overwatch for a coalition convoy flew shows of force when a coalition unit detected enemy forces setting up for an ambush. An A-10 also flew a show of force to deter enemy aggression against an Afghan National Police convoy which was struck by an improvised explosive device.
In Asadabad, an A-10 performed a show of force and launched flares to prevent enemy attack on a friendly patrol. The patrol was able to do its job without enemy interference, providing security and humanitarian aid for local residents.
See also:
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for April 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for March 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for February 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for January 2009
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for December 2008
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for November 2008
A-10 Afghanistan Combat Summary for October 2008
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