Sunday, May 3, 2009
Warthog, Stratotanker Join Air Show Roster
An unidentified A-10 Thunderbolt II, still without any tail markings, makes a low-level pass over Selfridge ANGB, Michigan, May 2, 2009. The 127th Wing recently began flying the aircraft, also known as the Warthog, after completing a transition from flying F-16s. The A-10s are scheduled to be on display and part of the flying demonstration during the 2009 Selfridge Air Show, August 22 and 23. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. David Kujawa) Hi-res
by TSgt. Dan Heaton
127th Wing Public Affairs
5/3/2009 - Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mich. -- Two new aircraft, freshly sporting the insignia of the 127th Wing, will be front and center this summer at the 2009 Selfridge Air Show.
Since the 2007 show, the 127th Wing, made up of Citizen-Airmen from around Michigan who serve in the Air National Guard, has completed the transition to two new types of aircraft. The Wing has bid farewell to the F-16 Fighting Falcon and to the venerable C-130 Hercules. In April 2008, Selfridge Air Guardsmen began flying KC-135 Stratotankers. The massive, multi-engine air-to-air refuelers are regular sights in the skies around Selfridge as they support missions around the country and around the world. On May 2, Selfridge Airmen began flying the A-10 Thunderbolt II, more popularly known as the Warthog.
KC-135s were formerly flown at Selfridge by a local Air Force Reserve Wing, which has since relocated to Florida. While the A-10 has been in the Air Force inventory for many years, it is a new aircraft for the Selfridge community.
"We'll be flying the A-10 a lot in the coming months, as we continue our transition training," said Lt. Col. Doug Champagne. "So, people will get a chance to catch a glimpse of them in the coming months."
During the 2009 Selfridge Air Show, Aug. 22 and 23, KC-135s and A-10s will be on static display in the aircraft parking area and both types of aircraft are scheduled to be a part of the flying demonstration. The USAF Thunderbirds performance team is headlining the flying demonstration.
"This summer's air show will be a great opportunity for the community to come out to Selfridge and learn about the aircraft we're flying out here today," Champagne said.
For more information on the air show, which feature free admission and free parking, visit
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